Translate Yoruba and Speak French

Translate Yoruba and Speak French

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Text to Speech Translator

ImTranslator Translate and Speak
ImTranslator offers an instant text-to-speech translation from Yoruba to French language in a natural sounding voice.
Best innovative translation and text-to-speech technologies implemented in ImTranslator translate text from the Yoruba language and convert the translation to the French voice. Animated speaking characters read the text in a human-sounding way, synchronously highlighting it for easy follow.

The Translate and Speak service by ImTranslator is a full functioning text-to-speech system with translation capabilities that provides an instant translation of texts from Yoruba to French language, and plays back the translation. ImTranslator translates from Yoruba to French, converts the translation into voice. It then provides a link with the spoken text to embed in an email, instant messenger or a web site.
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