Spellink Server is a web-based application, which implements multilingual spell-checking capabilities in a web application. Spellink delivers full-featured high-quality tool for accurate input and error free information on the Web in 8 languages.
Spellink Server functionality is based on a sophisticated morphological engine, which derives lexical word forms from the dictionary to provide accurate spelling results.
Spellink allows users to change the language on-the-fly in order to check spelling in a multilingual document.
Spellink Server supports custom dictionaries with editing capabilities. It includes the options of setting the spelling preferences that affect the way the spell-checker works.
Spellink Server works via standard client-server model and provides COM interfaces for its core functions. It can be installed as a component on any NT-machine and be easily maintained as a web-server on the top of Microsoft Internet Information Server.
Spellink Server Features
Multilingual capabilities - spell-checker in 8 European languages |
Multilingual text processing - changes the spelling language on-the-fly during the spell-checking session |
Morphological analyzer module - analyzes the entry and generates accurate spelling suggestions |
User dictionary - adds unknown words to a user dictionary at run-time |
User dictionary editing - modifies or deletes entries in a user dictionary |
Spelling options - sets various spelling preferences to make the spell-checking process more accurate |
Case sensitive - incorrect capitalization can be reported as a misspelling. Spellink dictionaries contain correct capitalization forms |
Repeated words detection - detects repeated words and suggests its deletion |
Multiple clients - processes spell-checking requests from multiple clients simultaneously |