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 Solution Guide :: Virtual Keyboard :: Embedded in webpage

Virtual Keyboard : Embedded in webpage

An ongoing trend in web technologies has been the addition of interactive functions that allow visitors to interact with the content on the page, (i.e. community portals, search engines, etc.) These sites often attract multilingual communities. As national boundaries in communication fade however, the linguistic barriers remain. Imagine, for example, how inconvenienced the customer becomes when typing in English on a French keyboard or entering a Russian or an Arabic search query on an English keyboard. Features such as search, email, forms/surveys, forums, and customer service become unreachable for the users.

By embedding our Virtual Keyboard into your website, you can make such interactive services become reachable without requiring your users to change their system configurations or download applications. The Virtual Keyboard allows users to choose from over 58 language layouts and directly click on the letters of the virtual keyboard, or use the physical keyboard to enter text. This application can be licensed or run on a remote server and requires no installations. Try the fully functioning Virtual Keyboard, which can either be embedded on the webpage or have floating capabilities.

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